Inside The Frame, Outside The Picture
What do you see?
What do you see?
Whether ethereal or blinding Soft or harsh Finding the sun Watching it leave Remembering its reappearance
Plants, life and other ways to hide
What’s in a painting?
What do you do with years worth of diaries that contain the most tumultuous times of your life? This was my conundrum. I didn’t want to keep them. They had done their job and now it was time to let go. But how? Throw them away? Shred them? Burn them? I opted for the last …
I have always loved this painting, disturbing as it is. Yet I threw it away shortly after it was made. Perhaps I didn’t want to manifest further chaos. Perhaps I was perturbed by how my calm hands had so accurately portrayed my secret inner life. It’s what I said, always; ‘I’m fine.’ I am now. …