Inside The Frame, Outside The Picture
What do you see?
What do you see?
In This
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
It had been 1460 days now since the last time her arm was simply an arm. Her leg simply a leg. Her head simply a head. Nui had crouched once, sitting back on her ankles, then stood up again in a fluid motion. She had bathed and showered and swam. She had breathed and sneezed, …
Whether ethereal or blinding Soft or harsh Finding the sun Watching it leave Remembering its reappearance
What is the Cutout Series?
What Is The Cutout Series?
Right there, in the corner it springs, like some silly little noise; a church bell, a magpie a knock at the door… Hello it says, remember me? Here’s this tune you like of fried eggs and wet grass It’s been a while, how are you? And I say it quickly, holding my breath; You’re too …
Dog Day Afternoon